- 2020.07.27
- 未分類
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class Odometry: def __init__(self): self.phi=[0,0] #wheel angle self.prev_phi=[0,0] #previous wheel angle self.v=[0,0] #wheel velocity self.theta=0 #robot direction self.pos=[0,0] #position (x,y) self.r=28./1000 #wheel radius [m] self.delta=2*math.pi/(4*3*298) #incremental value of wheel angle self.pin_ab=[14,15,5,6] #encoder pin self.pin_m=[17,27,19,26] #motor pin self.pin_pwm=[2,13] self.pwm=[None, None] self.d=52./1000 #distance between wheel and robot center self.prev_data=[0,0] self.cnt=[0,0] self.prev_cnt=[0,0] self.target_theta=0 self.target_motion=0 #0:forward,1:backward,2:right,3:left self.e=0 self.prev_time=0 self.dt=0.01 def setup(self): for i in range(len(self.pin_ab)): GPIO.setup(self.pin_ab[i], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(self.pin_m[i], GPIO.OUT) GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pin_ab[i], GPIO.BOTH, callback=callback) for i in range(len(self.pin_pwm)): GPIO.setup(self.pin_pwm[i], GPIO.OUT) self.pwm[i]=GPIO.PWM(self.pin_pwm[i], 100) self.pwm[i].start(70) def cnt_chk(self,pin): no=self.chk_pin(pin) current_a=GPIO.input(self.pin_ab[2*no]) current_b=GPIO.input(self.pin_ab[2*no+1]) encoded=(current_a<<1)|current_b sum=(self.prev_data[no]<<2)|encoded if (sum==0b0010 or sum==0b1011 or sum==0b1101 or sum==0b0100): self.cnt[no]+=1 elif(sum==0b0001 or sum==0b0111 or sum==0b1110 or sum==0b1000): self.cnt[no]-=1 self.prev_data[no]=encoded def calc_data(self): self.calc_phi() self.calc_theta() self.calc_pos() def get_cnt(self): return self.cnt def calc_phi(self): global odo now=time.time() self.dt=now-self.prev_time print("dt:",self.dt) for i in range(2): if self.cnt[i] != self.prev_cnt[i]: self.phi[i]=self.cnt[i]*self.delta self.v[i]=self.r*(self.phi[i]-self.prev_phi[i])/self.dt self.prev_cnt[i]=self.cnt[i] self.prev_phi[i]=self.phi[i] else: self.v[i]=0 self.set_prev_time(now) def set_prev_time(self,now): self.prev_time=now def get_phi(self): return self.phi def get_vel(self): return self.v def calc_theta(self): omega=(self.v[1]-self.v[0])/(2*self.d) self.theta+=omega*self.dt def get_theta(self): return self.theta def get_dt(self): return self.dt def calc_pos(self): v=(self.v[0]+self.v[1])/2 self.pos[0]+=v*math.cos(self.theta)*self.dt self.pos[1]+=v*math.sin(self.theta)*self.dt def get_pos(self): return self.pos def chk_pin(self,pin): if(self.pin_ab[0]==pin or self.pin_ab[1]==pin): return 0 else: return 1 def get_pin(self): return self.pin_m def cleanup(self): for i in range(len(self.pin_ab)): GPIO.remove_event_detect(self.pin_ab[i]) GPIO.cleanup() def motor_cntl(self): global joystick if (move_flag): gain=[1,1] if(abs(joystick)>90): self.forward() if(joystick>0): gain[0]=1-(180-abs(joystick))/90 else: gain[1]=1-(180-abs(joystick))/90 else: self.backward() if(joystick>0): gain[0]=1-abs(joystick)/90 else: gain[1]=1-abs(joystick)/90 self.pwm[0].ChangeDutyCycle(60*gain[0]) self.pwm[1].ChangeDutyCycle(60*gain[1]) else: self.stop() def forward(self): GPIO.output(self.pin_m[0],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[1],GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[2],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[3],GPIO.HIGH) def backward(self): GPIO.output(self.pin_m[0],GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[1],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[2],GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[3],GPIO.LOW) def turn_right(self): GPIO.output(self.pin_m[0],GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[1],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[2],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[3],GPIO.HIGH) def turn_left(self): GPIO.output(self.pin_m[0],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[1],GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[2],GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[3],GPIO.LOW) def stop(self): GPIO.output(self.pin_m[0],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[1],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[2],GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.pin_m[3],GPIO.LOW) |
簡単に解説すると、 モータが回るとcnt_chk関数が呼ばれてパルスカウントします。そしてプログラムのメインループで、calc_dataを呼び出して、各数値を計算します。motor_cntl関数はモータの制御をしていて、今回はジョイスティックからの値を元にして動くようにしています。
[M5StickC]Wifi経由でジョイスティックの値をRaspberry Piに送信 2020.07.25
Raspberry Pi (Ubuntu)でVNC 2020.08.12